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Wrangle Blog

EAPs and Form 5500s

This year Wrangle has received an unprecedented number of questions on Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). To help provide clarity and understanding, we have provided a list of these questions and answers for your reference: Is an EAP benefit ERISA reportable? Most of the time EAPs are ERISA reportable. Often...

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Wrangle Blog

Q&A From Our February National Webinar

Demystifying the Details Needed to Set Up a Wrap Plan Document, H&W Form 5500 and NDT  Our Demystifying National Webinar in February brought an assortment of questions from our attendees. Below are the top five on the Plan Documents and SPDs as well as the top eight for...

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Wrangle Blog

Timing Is Everything

When you work in employee benefits, one of the most challenging tasks is knowing when to complete each step to be able to check off a particular mandate on your to-do list. Taking a walk through the employee benefit world can be an endless maze if you don’t have...

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Wrangle Blog

Looking at the Big Picture for Reporting and Disclosure

Looking at the Big Picture for Reporting and Disclosure There are so many avenues to cover for a broker. ERISA, ACA, Secure Act, etc. We want to provide assistance here with some of the mandates under ERISA: Reporting and Disclosure. The following illustration encompasses the main...

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Wrangle Blog

Demystifying the Details Needed to Set Up a Wrap Plan Document, H&W Form 5500, and NDT

  Click Here to Register Just as you are diligently working on a renewal report and strategic meeting presentations, your client asks you if they need to file a Form 5500, if their POP Plan Document is current,...

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Wrangle Blog

DOL Penalty Fee Updates

DOL’s Civil Penalty/Monetary Penalty (tied to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act) 2023 Maximum Penalty   2024 Maximum Penalty  Failure or refusal to file Form 5500 $2,586 per day $2,670 per day Failure to furnish employee benefit plan documents to the DOL during an...

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Wrangle Blog

2024 Dashboard Enhancements

2024 Dashboard Enhancements We are now in our 6th year with the Dashboard, and just like Microsoft and Apple, we continuously evaluate where we can add enhancements to create a better and faster experience for you. Setting up a client’s Form 5500 is critical for their compliance needs,...

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Wrangle Blog

2024’s Form 5500 Special Extensions Tracker (Due to Natural Disasters)

Federally declared natural disasters provide special extensions to Form 5500s. Typically, within a week or two of a federally declared natural disaster, the IRS will mandate the special extension and communicate it via press release. The amount of time allotted varies. All key details

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Wrangle Blog

Important Announcement on Wrangle’s ERISA Desk Platform & Plan Documents

Important Announcement on Wrangle’s ERISA Desk Platform & Plan Documents We have exciting news to share…updates to our online ERISA Desk Platform! Available in November 2023 1. You will be able to set up Amendment Projects in the Platform Note: The Platform...

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